Our environmental program

Quadient is committed to protecting and preserving the environment. Given our activities, our main environmental challenges relate to our carbon footprint and the impact of our products and solutions throughout their life cycle.

Our environmental policy, formalized in our Code of Ethics, focuses on the eco-design of products, their remanufacturing and the recycling of waste generated by the industrial sites and products at the end of their life, thus encompassing circular economy principles. Our low-carbon strategy defines a framework for all Quadient's entities that are committed to reducing their carbon footprint.

Take action to combat climate change

Aware of the consequences of climate change, Quadient is committed to making a positive contribution to the global move to a low-carbon economy.

In 2021, we set ambitious targets to reduce Scope 1 and 2 emissions (energy consumption and company vehicles) by 50% by 2030, using 2018 as our base year. For Scope 3 emissions (purchase of goods and services, use of sold products, and travel), our goal was a 40%/ m€ revenue reduction by 2030.
By 2023, we achieved a 55% reduction in Scope 1 and 2 emissions compared to 2018, surpassing our initial goal ahead of schedule. Building on this success, we have set new ambitious near-term targets aligned with a 1.5°C scenario and a long-term goal of achieving Net Zero emissions by 2050. 

New Carbon objectives

Our Near-term carbon reduction targets

  • We have committed to reducing our Scope 1 and 2 emissions by 64% by 2030 from a 2018 base year.
  • We have also pledged to reduce our total Scope 3 emissions by 30% by 2030 from a 2018 base year.

Our commitment

Our action plan focuses on areas where we can make the most impact:

a view from the bottom of a green building and a tall tree

Energy & buildings

We are committed to reducing the emissions related to energy consumption by reducing building occupancy, switching to high-efficiency buildings, buying energy-efficient equipment, educating, and challenging employees’ behavior.

We also aim to increase our use of low-carbon energies by our facilities, whether purchased or self-produced. Our ambition is to reach 25% by 2023.

Quadient hybrid car plugged in an electrical charger

Company vehicles

We strive to reduce the emissions related to our company vehicles by selecting vehicles with lower gCO2 per km, shifting to low-carbon vehicles, developing remote services.






side view of a modern train in a train station


We foster low-carbon transportation means (train instead of plane for short-haul flights) and avoid business travels whenever possible. Quadient commits to offer employees the option of working remotely (teleworking) and adopting flexible work hours, as long as this remains compatible with the nature and purpose of their duties.


Quadient document handling equipment

Hardware & Digital solutions

As a responsible producer of hardware products, we aim to extend our efforts in eco-design to all our hardware solutions and maximize the take back and re-use of parts and modules in the assembly of our products encouraging a circular economy. We are implementing an eco design approach aiming at reducing our digital solutions energy consumption.

a short-haired woman wearing a face mask and gloves packing stuff into cardboard boxes in a warehouse whilst having a laptop open on the table in front of her

Engaging with partners

We work closely with our logistics partners and vendors to minimize and consolidate shipments, use environmentally friendly modes of transportation, and encourage efficient operations. We also expect our suppliers and contractors to perform their work with the same integrity with which we conduct our own business, complying with our responsible procurement policy and the suppliers’ Code of Conduct.

Foster circular economy

Illustration circular economy

Our approach to sustainable design & responsible manufacturing

Quadient is a committed player in the circular economy. The Company has taken into account regulatory constraints by preparing for them ahead of time and transforming them into a competitive advantage.

From the product design phase to end-of-life dismantling, Quadient takes all environmental aspects into account.

Our Sustainable Design and Responsible Manufacturing policy aims at improving energy efficiency, longevity, recyclability, modularity, and the upgradability of our products to minimize their impact on the environment throughout their life cycle.

Measuring our progress

Every year Quadient measures its carbon footprint according to the Greenhouse Gas (GHG) Protocol methodology, with the results being published in our Registration Document.

The Company has also completed the CDP Climate Change questionnaire since 2009, which allows us to measure our progress and compare to our peers. In 2023, Quadient was awarded a B score (considered a Management level) for its efforts in risk management linked to climate change and a reduction in greenhouse gas emissions (GHG). By achieving a “B” rating, Quadient ranks higher than the average in its industry.

CDP logo

Raising employee awareness

Quadient also encourages sustainable practices among its employees to reduce the global carbon footprint and protect the environment. Launched in 2021, a network of green ambassadors, Act4Earth promotes changes in daily habits, providing employees with information and education on natural resources and environmental protection. 

Quadient employees participate in various environmental awareness activities worldwide, such as World Cleanup Day, by cleaning up the waste on rivers and streets in our communities.

a smiling man wearing glasses and an orange t-shirt, looking into the distance whilst sat down in an office with his laptop open on his lap surrounded by green house plants